Return instructions
Would you like to return an item you have ordered?
You can return the ordered item to us within 14 days of receipt of the goods.
Please note that we will only refund the purchase price if the goods are in an unused, undamaged condition.
Do you think a delivered item is defective?
You were unable to solve your problem with the help of the supplied operating instructions (chapter Troubleshooting)? Before returning an item, please call us on 02565 / 406 2727 or send us an e-mail describing the problem to
Please do not send us any goods under warranty that you have damaged yourself and for which a warranty claim can be ruled out. This will only result in unnecessary costs for you.
What you should bear in mind when returning goods:
Each return shipment must be accompanied by a completed return slip. Please also enclose a copy of the invoice or delivery bill (this was sent with the goods).
The returned item must have been purchased from Mindfield Biosystems Ltd. Please also note our terms and conditions and any applicable reduction levels due to the use of the ordered goods.
Unpaid returns will not be accepted and can therefore not be processed. Returns without a return slip will also not be processed.
You can download the return slip here, Returns form Mindfield Biosystems Ltd.pdf to print it out. Additional information:Return goods procedure.pdf
Postage costs for your return:
In the case of a defective or incorrectly delivered item, we will refund the postage costs. To do this, please contact us by email at
In all other cases, you must bear the postage costs for the return shipment.
Please note here:
o Please send items with a value of over 100 euros as an insured parcel.
o The choice of shipping provider is up to you.