
Neurofeedback Software

The Neurofeedback Basic software

The neurofeedback software has been developed to meet the requirements of modern and targeted neurofeedback training. The individual designs are adapted to specific requirement criteria and only a minimum of individual adjustment is required.

The modular software architecture unravels the structure of the software and the user can design the session quickly and precisely as well as according to his training goal. Thanks to a clear and recurring screen structure, he always maintains an overview.

There are special screens for beginners with the best presets and screens for advanced users with maximum options.

Please click on the graphics for an enlarged view.

Main menu

Basic Menü

Impedance measurement


Screens for an overview of the EEG

Test screen

Raw signal & FFT

Standard situation

Trainer screens

Attention screen

Individual screen

2-channel training

A-Score Training

AScore Training

Peniston protocol

Peniston protocol


Relaxation training

Feedback screens

Bars & Animation

Bars & Animation



Puzzle & Bargraph

Puzzle & Bargraph

Puzzle & Time

Puzzle & Time

A-Score Feedback

A-Score Feedback


Relaxation feedback

Light bulb

Light bulb

3s competition

Evaluation screens


Evaluation 2

Evaluation 3
