Mindfield Skin Temperature Sensor

Basics of Skin Temperature Biofeedback
The temperature at the surface of the skin varies as a function of the amount of blood flowing through the tissue. The arterioles in the tissue are surrounded by smooth muscle fibers, which are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore, regular measurement of skin temperature is of great advantage to control its blood flow. For this purpose, a skin temperature senosor is ideal!
A state of heightened tension or arousal (stress) leads to contraction of these muscles and thus a narrowing of the blood vessels. The skin temperature decreases, because less tissue perfusion occurs. In a relaxed state on the other hand, the muscles relax with concomitant dilation of blood vessels, thereby increasing skin temperature.
The skin temperature also depends on the ambient temperature, so care should be taken, always as far as possible to take measurements under the same environmental conditions. The user should have at least 5 minutes to acclimatize to the room temperature. Only then should the skin temperature sensor be inserted.
Skin temperature feedback is mostly used for relaxation exercises. It is easy to use and easy to learn – with a high success rate and improvements in general well-being. A particularly effective and commonly used training method is the “hand warming training” as the simplest biofeedback. Here, the sensor in a finger (index finger, middle finger) is applied. When hand warming training the user learns about a feedback of his finger temperature to increase this target and thus to increase the circulation of his hands. The hand warming training is successfully used with specific disorders, such as migraine, circulatory problems and high blood pressure.
Skin temperature is particularly suitable as biofeedback, because it is closely connected with the state of the body and psyche. Stress, anxiety and many other emotions can lead to a decrease in temperature without you noticing it. With biofeedback you will learn to interpret your body’s signals correctly and through this you will also be able to improve your relaxation skills in a targeted way. In addition, measuring your skin temperature with a skin temperature sensor is a non-invasive way to get biofeedback. Get your mind and body in harmony by simply using your biofeedback. Counteract stress and anxiety now!
Optimal Biofeedback with skin temperature sensor and modern hard- und software
The Mindfield skin temperature sensor is a small, convenient temperature sensor with USB connection and software on a USB stick.
The sensor is simply connected to a PC via the USB cable included and is automatically active, it is not necessary to install drivers. The accompanying software also requires no installation, but is started directly from the USB stick. The software enables measurement and recording of temperature and provides diverse visual and audible feedback. Analysis and statistic functions are included, as is an export of the data to MS Excel.
The readings are immediately saved on the USB stick and so can easily be transported nd used in different locations.
Included are a velcro strap and an adhesive strip for hygienic and easy attachment of the sensor to the fingers or other parts of the body.
Getting biofeedback with a skin temperature sensor has never been so easy and straightforward. The handy device and easy-to-use software allow you to track your body’s response to relaxation exercises anytime, anywhere.
Software for the skin temperature sensor
The software guarantees a comfortable biofeedback-training and a clearly arranged user guidance. There is no user limit for the software. Every user can train with the sensor. The Screen for training consits of two windows, one serves as the main window the other is the training window. The main window displays the progression of skin temperature and many other adjustable parameters. The training window shows an animation which changes according to the temperature. At the same time occurs an acoustically matching feedback. Also, a certain threshold value that has to be beaten, can be defined. As soon as this is accomplished a timer begins the metering of training time.
The software for Mindfield® skin temperature sensor offers, among other things:
- Creation and administration of unlimited user profiles
- Main window and training window (optionally on a second Monitor, e.g. in a practice)
- Storage of all recordings und training-data in EDF+ format (data can be analysed and processed with other software programs)
- Evaluation of recordings and training-data
- Export of the training-data to Microsoft Excel
- Acoustical feedback function with volume modulation
- Adjustable threshold and average values guarantee an optimal and individual tailored training
- Calculation of diverse parameters for evaluating success and failure of the training
System Requirements:
- System Software:
Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 3
Windows VISTA (32bit and 64bit)
Windows 7,8 (32bit and 64bit) - Min. Pentium IV or comparable, 2 GHz.
- Min. 1024 MB RAM.
- Graphic board with min. of 256MB own video-memory.
- Free disk space: 500 MB.
- Screen resolution of min. 1280*800 Pixel, screen colors 32 Bit True Color.
- Second monitor for display of feedback is optionally recommended.
- Min. Sound Blaster compatible sound card with Stereo output.
- USB 2.0 connection or better.
Manual and Infoflyer for Download: