Ausgewählte Neurofeedback Studien
Der Volltext dieser und aller anderen Studien auf dieser Homepage ist über die gängigen Suchmaschinen (Pubmed, Medline, etc.) einsehbar, teilweise jedoch nur gegen Bezahlung. In den meisten Universitäten und Bibliotheken ist der Zugang zu den Volltexten auch für Gäste kostenlos.
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (AD(H)S)
- Aufmerksamkeit und NeurofeedbackDissertation: Thomas Fuchs, 1999.
- ADHS und NeurofeedbackDissertation: Ulrike Leins, 2004
- Slow Cortical Potential NeurofeedbackDissertation: Nicola Andrea Rumpf, 2006
- Efficacy of neurofeedback treatment in ADHD: the effects on inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity: a meta-analysis.Autoren: Arns M, de Ridder S, Strehl U, Breteler M, Coenen A
Quelle: Clin EEG Neurosci. 2009 Jul;40(3):180-9. - Is neurofeedback an efficacious treatment for ADHD? A randomised controlled clinical trial.Autoren: Gevensleben H, Holl B, Albrecht B, Vogel C, Schlamp D, Kratz O, Studer P, Rothenberger A, Moll GH, Heinrich H
Quelle: J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Jul;50(7):780-9. Epub 2009 Jan 12 - Distinct EEG effects related to neurofeedback training in children with ADHD: a randomized controlled trial.Autoren: Gevensleben H, Holl B, Albrecht B, Schlamp D, Kratz O, Studer P, Wangler S, Rothenberger A, Moll GH, Heinrich H
Quelle: Int J Psychophysiol. 2009 Nov;74(2):149-57. Epub 2009 Aug 25. - Neurofeedback for Children with ADHD: A Comparison of SCP and Theta/Beta Protocols.Autoren: Leins U, Goth G, Hinterberger T, Klinger C, Rumpf N, Strehl U
Quelle: Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2007 Mar 14; [Epub ahead of print] - Electroencephalographic biofeedback in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.Autoren: Monastra VJ, Lynn S, Linden, Lubar JF, Gruzelier J, LaVaque TJ
Quelle: Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2005 Jun;30(2):95-114. - Neurofeedback: an alternative and efficacious treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Autoren: Fox DJ, Tharp DF, Fox LC
Quelle: Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2005 Dec;30(4):365-73. Review. - Neurofeedback treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Autoren: Pop-Jordanova N, Markovska-Simoska S, Zorcec T.
Quelle: Prilozi. 2005 Aug;26(1):71-80. - Neurofeedback-Training bei Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS)Holger Gevensleben, Gunther H. Moll und Hartmut Heinrich
- Meta-analysis of EEG biofeedback in treating epilepsy.Autoren: Tan G, Thornby J, Hammond DC, Strehl U, Canady B, Arnemann K, Kaiser DA
Quelle: Clin EEG Neurosci. 2009 Jul;40(3):173-9. - Foundation and practice of neurofeedback for the treatment of epilepsy.Autoren: Sterman MB, Egner T.
Quelle: Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2006 Mar;31(1):21-35. Review. - Neurofeedback treatment of epilepsy: from basic rationale to practical application.Autoren: Egner T, Sterman MB.
Quelle: Expert Rev Neurother. 2006 Feb;6(2):247-57. - Neurofeedback treatment of epilepsy.Autoren: Walker JE, Kozlowski GP
Quelle: Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan;14(1):163-76, viii. Review.
- A Clinical Outcome Study Of Neurofeedback And Biofeedback For Migraine HeadacheAutoren: Chris Fischer
Quelle: The Behavioral Medicine Report
- Tinnitus und NeurofeedbackDissertation: Katalin Dohrmann, 2007
- Neurofeedback in therapy of tinnitusAutoren: Gosepath K, Nafe B, Ziegler E, Mann WJ.
Quelle: HNO. 2001 Jan;49(1):29-35. German. - Neurofeedback-based EEG alpha and EEG beta training.
Effectiveness in patients with chronically decompensated tinnitusAutoren: Schenk S, Lamm K, Gundel H, Ladwig KH.
Quelle: HNO. 2005 Jan;53(1):29-37. German.
- Neurotherapy for stroke rehabilitation: a single case study. (Beeindruckend!)Autoren: Rozelle GR, Budzynski TH.
Quelle: Biofeedback Self Regul. 1995 Sep;20(3):211-28. - Effect of neurofeedback on motor recovery of a patient with brain injury: a case study and its implications for stroke rehabilitation.Autor: Wing K.
Quelle: Top Stroke Rehabil. 2001 Autumn;8(3):45-53.
Angststörungen, Depression
- Neurofeedback with anxiety and affective disorders.Autor: Hammond DC.
Quelle: Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan;14(1):105-23, vii. Review. - On the track with neurofeedback. A new treatment may help with problems from ADD to depression, sleep disorders and epilepsy.Autor: Robbins J.
Quelle: Newsweek. 2000 Jun 19;135(25):76. - Alpha-theta brainwave neurofeedback training: an effective treatment for male and female alcoholics with depressive symptoms.Autoren: Saxby E, Peniston EG.
Quelle: J Clin Psychol. 1995 Sep;51(5):685-93.
Sonstiges zu Neurofeedback
- Vergleich zwischen Neurofeedback und BiofeedbackDissertation: Ali Reza Bakhshayesh, 2007
- Neurofeedback im höheren Lebensalter (engl.)Angelakis et al., 2007
- Neurofeedback und SuchtproblematikenTrudeau, 2008
- Neurofeedback For Dementia Improves Executive Functioning and Memory In A Small Pilot Study (engl.)The Behavioral Medicine Report – 5778
- Neurofeedback For Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Promising Results In A Small Sample (engl.)The Behavioral Medicine Report – 339
- SMR Neurofeeback Improves Sleep and Memory After Only 10 Sessions (engl.)The Behavioral Medicine Report – 1721
- Neurofeedback Significantly Improves Sleep In A Small Group Of Insomniacs (engl.)The Behavioral Medicine Report – 5153